PUNCH_ASTRO compute projects

You wish to test your simulation code on a supercomputer?

You wish to test your simulation code on a supercomputer? You need benchmark tests to apply for compute time at a high-performance computing site? PUNCH_ASTRO, a service provided by PUNCH4NFDI, can assist you in this regard.
PUNCH_ASTRO offers user support and a limited amount of compute resources for testing and benchmarking new simulation codes to the astrophysics community in Germany. The primary objective of this program is to help users apply for larger compute projects at the leading German HPC centres.
To be eligible for this service, your compute project must fall within the research field of astrophysics. The service is entirely free of charge.
Please do not hesitate to reach out for further information or assistance.
simulations [at] punch4nfdi.de
(Image) Copyright — Forschungszentrum Jülich / Ralf-Uwe Limbach