Workshops in June 2023

Three workshops, organised in collaboration with PUNCH4NFDI, took place in June. Topics: ILDG, SciTrace, FPGAs


June 14 - 16: Hands-on Workshop for future ILDG users (indico link)

One of the primary objectives was to uncover deficiencies pertaining to the ease of use of ILDG and the associated metadata schema. With 37 participants from nine different countries and four continents, the number of participants was much larger than expected. The overall feedback was quite positive. The modernization of ILDG is ongoing.


June 14 - 16: SciTrace Hackathon / Workshop (indico link)

The aim of the SciTrace workshop was to provide an opportunity for the participants to create SciTrace packages from their own workflows. The produced packages are used as examples and demonstrators for the features of SciTrace and its role in PUNCH4NFDI. Since recently, SciTraceWeb is part of the workflow and greatly simplified the creation and running of the packages. The SciTrace concept proved successful for numerous workflow examples which included astronomical pipelines, but also environment packages for particle physics proprietary software.


June 15 - 16: Joint Workshop on Machine Learning and Data Processing on FPGAs - PUNCH4NFDI/ XFEL (indico link)

The primary goal of the workshop was the exchange about applications of machine learning on FPGAs. The 14 contributions allowed the 30 participants to explore a wide range of use cases. The focus was on experiment specific challenges and solutions, as well as experiences with the different available frameworks. The presentations were covering applications in particle physics, hadron physics, astrophysics and accelerator physics. The exchange will continue during monthly meetings and the wish for organizing a follow-up workshop next year has been expressed.